Fastening without Fasteners

Vergeet lassen, bouten of klinknagels

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Newton Innovations specializes in simplicity

Combining sheet metal and the newest techniques in laser cutting, Newton Innovations has developed countless assembly solutions which eliminate the use of bolts, rivets or welds.

Because sheet metal is inherently elastic and strong, it makes sense to design it such that it fastens to itself. In this way you can save on assembly time and/or components resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective structure. This also allows you to eliminate the need of fastening bolts in places that are difficult to reach, or welds and rivets which are difficult to modify at a later stage.

"Fastening without fasteners" illustreert de mogelijkheid om alternatieve verbindingsmethodes te gebruiken voor lassen of boutverbindingen door slim metaal te snijden en te vouwen. We willen mogelijke oplossingen voor ontwerpers en ingenieurs laten zien. De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos!


Fastening Solutions

Bekijk onze oplossingen voor de aansluiten van componenten zonder lassen, klinknagels of bouten

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